Monday, September 12, 2011

It’s My Special Day (8th September)

- 31st August 2011, 9.00 pm -12.00 am, at 绿阁 - (My 1st birthday cake)

I’ll go back UTM at 2nd September, therefore I went out for tea time with my Raub’s friends. Very surprising, they’re planned to celebrate my birthday earlier that night, together with all September birthday stars which is Qi Yang & Yee Loong. Thanks to all my Raub’s friends for the surprise.

- 8th Sept 2011, 12.00 am, at DSM, KTHO, UTM - (My 2nd birthday cake)

I was working as a crew MTM and I met all my FKA and KTHO new juniors here. I didn’t expect that all the KTHO MTM crews and juniors will celebrate my birthday with me. Honestly, I was frighten by all of u that time: 

When Darren said that 4 of the crews which is Chuan Hau, Ain, Bella and me should apologize to all the juniors, I really feel uncomfortable and curious about what my action makes the juniors feel unhappy. When he told us that we made a mistake which is … … we didn’t tell the juniors when our birthday is, I feel relieved. I also feel touching because I know they're celebrating OUR birthday although they feel tired and sleepy after 5 days of MTM, even got some juniors not felling well that time. 

Thanks to all the crews and all my juniors here. Nice to meet u all.

- 11th Sept 2011 at Pelangi - (My 3rd birthday cake)

I had a great outing with Gary, Chuan Hau, Casse, Chun Hong, Jy and Kwan Hau. Together we sang karaoke, together we celebrated Chuan Hau and my birthday, together we had our dinner, together we watched Tarian Singa, together we took a walk at KSL, together we chit-chat inside the car, together we had our supper at KFC Jusco, Taman U. 

But there’re some people that I hope they can join us too, which is Chai, ah Ho and Ivy. 
Anyway, I really enjoy my birthday this year. It’s unforgettable, memorable and meaningful to me.

Thank you very much~ ^^

To Be Continue... ^^

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Here Are Some Tips That May Bring You A Beautiful Life !

Take a 10-30 minutes WALK everyday and while you walk, SMILE.
Sit in SILENCE for at least 10 minutes each day.

When you wake up in the morning, complete the following statement:
"My purpose is to ... today."

and the 3 F's... FAITH, FAMILY, FRIENDS.

Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of six.
DREAM more while you are awake.
Try to make at least three people SMILE each day.

Realize that LIFE is a school and you are here to LEARN, pass all your tests.
Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.

Life isn't fair, but it still GOOD.
Life is too short to waste time hating and blaming anyone.

Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
You don't have to win every argument. AGREE to disagreements.

Make PEACE with your pass, so it won't mess up the present.
Don't compare your life with others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

Burn the candles, use the nice sheets. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is SPECIAL.
No one is in charge of your happiness except YOU.
FORGIVE everyone for everything.

What other people think of you is none of your business.
Time heals almost everything. Give time, TIME.
However good or bad a situation is, it will CHANGE.

Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will stay in touch.
Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
The best is yet to come.

No matter how you feel, GET UP, DRESS UP and SHOW UP.
Do the right thing! Call your family often.

Each night before you go to bed, complete the following statements:
"I am thankful for ... "
"Today I accomplished ... "

Remember that you are blessed to be stressed.
Enjoy the ride. Remember that this is not Disney World and you certainly don't want a fast pass. Make the most of it and enjoy the ride.

To Be Continue... ^^

Thursday, August 18, 2011

人生,不完美才是完美 ~ Perfection of Life

最近发生了许许多多的事,让我从中得到启发。当中让我领悟到,人生是很玄妙的。时光流逝,没有人知道下一秒会发生什么事,是好事?惊喜?惊吓?或是意外?记得曾经有人说过,人生就像是日出日落般,有起有落,不可能是完美的。不久前,我读了一篇文章,喜欢上了这一句话:“人生,不完美才是完美。” ... ...









To Be Continue...

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Bad News

The weather of today’s morning was peace and beautiful, but not a peace morning for me and my family. It was because of a bad news that shocked me and my family as well. I guess everyone was unprepared for it. It comes like a thunder flit over the sunny sky… …

We knew that He’ll go for medical checkup today, but none of us worried about it. This is not because we not care about Him, it’s all because we believe that He’ll be alright. He always keeps a healthy lifestyle, without any bad habits. He doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, always having consistence and balance meals and rest. He always sleeps at 9:30pm and awakes at 7:30am. It’s unbelievable that he got a serious disease.

Yesterday night, we had prepared a surprise for Him, celebrating Father’s Day. But today, how cruel of this Father’s Day’s gift for us. The only thing that I can do is pray for Him. Hope everything will be alright soon.

It makes me understand that, even though how healthy of a lifestyle, there is some destiny that we can't escape. Anyone could tell me, is there any ways to keep away from diseases?

To Be Continue... ...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

- A Colorful Life, by Robert Arthur Miller, USA -

I want to be a Butterfly, 
and spread my Wings;
so I can Fly like my friends, 
the bird who sings.

I want to Soar High, 
above land below;
and land on all, 
it's flowers that Grow.

I want to be Colorful, 
and Beautiful to see;
I want to be a Butterfly, 
and roam the earth Free.

I know that what I Desire, 
might seem a little strange;
but right now I'm a Caterpillar, 
and I want to CHANGE.

My First Experience At Changi Airport, Singapore

24th March 2011, this is the first time I’m going to Changi Airport, Singapore. It was a good experience for me. I was given a job to welcome a person that I don’t know, a professor from Japan. He was invited to join University President Forum 2011 which organized by UTM, and also as a guest for UTM Graduation Ceremony. My job is to meet him at Changi Airport and send him to Puteri Pacific Hotel for check in.

Through the process, I learned to check the flight number and terminal through internet, I learned to check the landing time and platform at the airport. I wait in front of the platform door with holding a welcoming note. I look around to find the right person. How is the professor look like? Can I communicate well with him? I started to worry as the time passed because I afraid that I might miss out the important guest invited by UTM.

Finally, I see someone walking toward me, I met the professor and start with the word “初めまして” (nice to meet you).  I feel nervous and finding a topic to communicate with him. He is a professor that expert in Science and Engineering. Suddenly I think about what I had learnt during my Korea Delegation. Then I start the topic with “Sustainability”. At this moment, I feel thankful to my seniors that always share his knowledge with us. This gave me courage to share my opinion with the professor; and the professor also share the Japan culture and technologies with me, especially incident about the earthquake and leaking of nuclear reactor that happen recently.

26th March 2011, I take my responsibility to send the Japan professor back to Changi Airport. That day, I bring my friend, Casse along with me. When we reach Puteri Pasific Hotel, I saw professor waiting at the ground floor cafeteria. When we met him, I start introduce Casse to professor. Casse is our student representative that won at UTM Election 2010/2011. After that, we depart to Changi Airport.

Along the journey, we continue our topic about “Sustainability”. Casse even share with professor about the sustainable project that running in UTM. After that, we talk about Global Outreach Proggramme (GOP) that runs in UTM too. It included the problems that we faced when organize a GOP delegation, such as currency and accommodation. Talking about accommodation, we found out that Japan Universities seldom provide hostel to their students. Therefore, the daily expenses of students in Japan are quite high. In the conversation, we gain a lot of understanding and knowledge, especially about Japan country.

This was a great, valuable and unforgettable experience for me. Due to this, it improves my communication skill, widen my knowledge and increase my confidence as well. I hope I can have more and more chances to explore and experience more in my entire life. These experiences make my life colourful and bright. So I appreciate what I am having now, and grab the chances that I am having now.

"The Chance Starts From The Change, For Things To Change, We Must Change First."

To Be Continue... ^^

Thursday, March 17, 2011

我独一无二的家 ~ My Only Family


I Remember Every Word from My Parents.


“不须刻意跟别人比较,最佳的竞争对手是自己” 。爸妈从不对我们的成绩有严格要求,因为他们明白每个人都有自己的强项与弱点,不同的领域就有不同的潜能。成绩考得好,爸妈自然会开心;成绩中等,他们会对我们说声加油,下次会更好。有一次,当我的成绩考得很差时,我在为自己找理由,对爸妈解释到:有的人比我考得还要糟呢。这时,爸妈劝导我不要刻意跟别人比较,自己所学习到的知识是自己的。不要因别人堕落,而自己也跟着堕落;就算成绩超好的人也一样,大家在行的领域不同,用不着拿别人来衡量自己。因此只要自己已尽全力做的最好,只要有心去改善自己,增值自己,最佳的竞争对手始终还是自己。

All The Best。这是我惯用的祝福语,看似普通,甚至非常多人在用。而这普通的一句话,是妈妈教我的。在妈妈教我用这句祝福语之前,我常用“Good Luck”来祝福身边的人。妈妈对这祝福语有自己一套的看法。她说她不常用“Good Luck”这个祝福语,因为她想被祝福的人不是因为靠运气而成功,靠的是自己的实力。而“All The Best”与“Try Your Best”则能祝福对方把自己的实力发挥得更好。普普通通的两句祝福语,带出的是那么有道理的一番话,这就是我的妈妈。



“容忍要有底线,不要让别人践踏自己的底线”。自小,爸妈就教导我们“忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空”。容忍与包容是不可缺的美德,任何纠纷都能因这两者而平息。上了大学之后,我看到的各式不同的人。由于集聚在大学内的都是 教育界的精英,竞争非常大,能结识真心朋友更是困难。而在大学内,我看见了这两者都不能平息的纠纷,而这纠纷就发生在自己的身上。对方不会因为我的容忍与包容而后退,反而频频逼近,得寸进尺。对此事的回应,妈妈夸奖我已经做得最好了,之后,她赠了这一句话给我。


To be continue… 待续。。。 。。。

在写下这篇文章的同时,我发现了自己有个奇怪的习惯。一般人都会如何称呼自己的父母呢?不同的人,会有不同的称呼,有些称呼他们“爸爸,妈妈”,有的是“父亲,母亲”,英文版本则有“Daddy Mummy”。当然,我当面称呼他们时,就与一般人一样。但在这篇文章上,我选择用“父亲”与“妈妈”。




To Be Continue... ^^

Monday, March 7, 2011

你能握住时间与身边的人吗?~ Grab Your Time & Your Beloved





Grab Your Time, Chances and Memories…
Appreciate Your Beloved Family and Friends that Care about you and Love you…

To Be Continue... ^^

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

消逝的光阴 ~ Elapsed Moment





To Be Continue ... ^^

Monday, January 24, 2011

踏出第一步 ~ Stepped Out




To Be Continue ... ^^